Wednesday, October 3, 2012



What you do every day is already important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it.  But today, I dare you to take it up a notch, pump some extra life into every hour, and really make your time count.

Today, I dare you to…

1.     Make someone else smile. – Ordinary people worry today and postpone their happiness for tomorrow.  Intelligent people are happy today and postpone their worries for tomorrow.  Wise people only wish happiness for all, today and tomorrow.  If you wish to have a lifetime of happiness, dedicate time every day to helping others smile with complete sincerity and enthusiasm.

2.     Be imperfect. – Something that is really difficult, but totally worth it, is giving up on being perfect and beginning the journey of becoming your true self.  The most beautiful part of this journey is simply returning to the peaceful feeling of being.  This peace is the result of retraining your mind to process life as it is, rather than as you think it should be.
3.     Be enthusiastic about what you’re doing. – You’re not given a good life or a bad life.  You’re given life, and it’s up to you to make it good or bad.  So wake up and get motivated; not everybody made it to today.  Don’t take your time for granted.  Don’t waste time thinking back to what you could have done differently yesterday.  Keep your eyes on the road ahead and do it differently today.  Wherever the road takes you, bring your passion.  Whatever you do along the way, do it with all your heart.
4.     Make the best of what happens. – More important than what happens to you, is what you make of what happens to you.  The more thankful you are, the more beautiful this world appears.  You must uncover the good in the bad, the happy in your sad, the gain in your pain, and what makes you grateful not hateful.  Read Stumbling on HappinessDescription:
5.     Forgive your past self. – Sometimes, good people like you make bad choices.  It doesn’t mean you’re bad; it means you’re human.  So get bored with your past; it’s over.  Forgive yourself for what you think you did or didn’t do, and focus on what you will do starting now.
6.     Spend some time simply being and breathing. – The only way to live happily ever after is one day at a time.  Just be, breathe, and think not about what you’re missing, but what you’ve been given.  Happiness is something that comes into our lives gradually through the doors we don’t even remember leaving open.  Read The Power of NowDescription:
7.     Learn something new. – It’s important to remember that you cannot become who you are capable of being by remaining exactly where you are.  If you are not willing to learn and grow, no one can help you.  But if you are determined to learn and grow, no one can stop you.  In the end, there are no permanent jobs on this planet; we are all interning here.  Learn from everyone, evolve, remain humble, and don’t forget to have a good time.
8.     Look in the mirror, and tell yourself what you love about yourself. – What we see in the mirror is what we see in the world.  Our disappointment in others perfectly reflects our disappointment in ourselves.  Our acceptance of others perfectly reflects our acceptance of ourselves.  Our ability to see potential in others perfectly reflects our ability to see potential in ourselves.  Our patience with others perfectly reflects our patience with ourselves.  You get the idea – you’ve got to show yourself some love first.
9.     Focus on the qualities you like about those around you. – Whenever we focus on a person’s wonderful qualities, we have a wonderful relationship with them.  Whenever we focus on a person’s not so wonderful qualities, we have a not so wonderful relationship with them.  What we focus on grows in our minds and hearts.  Read The Charisma MythDescription:
10.   Say “yes” to a spontaneous opportunity. – Everything in life can’t be planned.  Some of the greatest opportunities will knock on your door when you least expect them to.  Be flexible, be spontaneous, and just say “yes.”

Tuesday, October 2, 2012



 1.Imagine yourself being successful.

 2.Surround yourself with other people who are successful.

 3.Define the meaning of success as you see it.

 4. Stay away from Distractions.

 5.Finding the purpose or goal of your life.

 6. Set a time line on when you want to achieve your objective. If you don't know when you will achieve your objective then you will never know when you will achieve it.

 7. Identify the things/skills/material needed to achieve your objectives.

 8.Identify the skills you need to sharpen and the skills you can outsource.

 9.Execute your small objectives, focus on your main objective.

 10. Take risks. Step out of your comfort zone. Successful people think big and act big.

 11. Solve problems. People who are successful encourage progress by solving problems and answering questions. No matter where you are or what you're doing, look around and try and think of ways you can contribute.

 12. Be persistent. Don't give up. If your first attempt didn't work, don't quit. Always keep in mind the following sentence: "If you don't give up, you cannot fail". When asked about his 10,000 failed attempts to develop a storage battery, the prolific American inventor Thomas Edison responded: "I have not failed, I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."[1]

 13.Remember that success does not guarantee happiness.

 14. Gather as much information about anything & everything. Listen. Study. Understand. Learn. Knowledge is power.

 15. Accept life is unfair, some people are born with disabilities and you need to accept this fact but remember this also gives you unfair advantage.

 16.Accept Failure, Understand behind every Success there is a understand this just think why we invented Aircrafts, because we Failed to fly Yourself.

 17.Remove fear and Doubt from your way of thinking, and focus on keeping positivity in every situation.

18.Study successful people.


Sunday, September 30, 2012

Looks who's ROCKING the Milania Collection....

Hey Dolls!! If you love Fabulous Jewelry and you haven't checked out the Milania Collection your MISSING OUT!!! I promise you won't be disappointed!!! Peep the Fab Dolls rocking it so far!!!! Hit me if you want to purchase some fab items for yourself :) xoxox @Fashion101ed

HOT Spot..... Welcome Threadz Boutique 2 the ATL....

Welcome to Threadz Boutique @ 1060 St.Charles Ave. Atlanta GA 30306 .... a new boutique catered to the MEN!!!! They have a VIP Lounge were you can view the new merchandise while having a drink of Ciroc Berry... Gr8 customer service with TOP style experts with gr8 energy. Over this past weekend @threadz_atlanta hosted a "Register 2 VOTE" mixer, which was a success! They had great food, music and a few celebrities that stopped by to show support. Special shout out to @Que_thafuture and @LaTaviaMarie for coming by to support, and a special shout out to @brittaneydenise for organizing a gr8 event and a special THANK U to all the people who signed up to vote and shop :) Feel free to shop on Threadz website @ and follow them on twitter @Theradz_Atlanta

Monday, January 16, 2012




Friday, October 14, 2011

10 Bible Verses Every Small Business Owner Needs.....

Hey Guys!!!

2day I was doing some reading and came across this article that I wanted to share with you all---Please use these daily verses to get you this current economy...

2day I was reading articles on small businesses and came across this article that I wanted to share with you all-----2 all my business owners: KEEP THE FAITH!!! KEEP PUSHING!!!

1. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will direct your path.” Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV) Learn something every day. If you only lean on your own knowledge in your business, you will not be able to grow. You must grow yourself to grow your business

2. “Behold, I am doing something new! It’s already happening; don’t you recognize it? I will clear a way in the desert. I will make rivers on dry land.” Isaiah 43:19 (GOD’S WORD® Translation) Sometimes your business will need to move as the market pulls you in a different direction. You might need to reinvent your business, and you should not be afraid. God’s always got your back.

3.”Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” Philippians 4:6 (NIV) One of the most important things you can do for your business is to pray every day.

4. “Faith without works is dead.” James 2:26 (KJV) You can’t just pray for success. Develop a plan and work your plan. If you can do something about your situation, then do it. Stop making excuses, stop procrastinating, and do it!

5. “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 (NIV) There will be contracts that you really need that you will not win. There will be days when you drop the ball on your customer service, but you can not let that define you or your business. You will get another opportunity and even if you don’t, God is with you always.

6. “As I think in my heart, so am I.” Proverbs 23:7 (NKJV) Your thoughts can be your number #1 asset or your biggest liability. When you are alone in your office or back bedroom, your thoughts can easily turn on you. Your ability to stay positive, learn from all experiences and shake off mistakes quickly will be a big asset to you and your business.

7. “God has not given me a spirit of fear, but of power, love and sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7 (NKJV) Making decisions in your small business based on fear is never helpful. For that matter making decisions in anger is not good either. Try hard not to be reactionary with clients, vendors or employees. Use factual information and up-to date financials to make sound business decisions.

8. “But these things I plan won’t happen right away. Slowly, steadily, surely, the time approaches when the vision will be fulfilled. If it seems slow, do not despair, for these things will surely come to pass. Just be patient! They will not be overdue a single day.” Habakkuk 2:3 (TLB) You need to understand that God’s time is not your time. There may come a time in your business when you just know you have a contract, one that you really need and things fall through. Those are the times when you need to trust in the Lord the most. When we accept God’s timing, we can learn to live in hope and enjoy our lives while God is working on our problems.

9. “Happy is the man who finds wisdom, and the man who gains understanding;” Proverbs 3:13 (NIV) You need to be a life long learner in order to be successful in business. You should constantly seek to improve yourself and increase your knowledge about the business of running a business.

10. “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 (NIV) This is my new bible verse for 2010. It came to me watching a college football game. I believe I was only watching the game to see it.